Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tricking Cooper

It's allergy season which means Cooper is itchy, miserable, swollen, and bitchier than normal. Every morning after I take him out, he gets a spoonful of peanut butter with two benadryl tablets hidden in it. Most of the time he eats it without a problem but sometimes, he spits them out or flat out refuses the peanut butter and makes angry face and angry noises at the spoon from the confines of his kennel.
As he isn't that smart, it's pretty easy to trick him into eating it although it is frustrating as hell when you're already running late for work.
Me: "Cooper, want some peanut butter?"
Cooper glares at the spoon: "NO!!! It makes me sleepy!"
Me: "Are you sure? It's good..."
Cooper: "NO! I DON'T WANT ANY!"
Me: "Fine, I guess it's all for me then...NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM! MMM!"
Cooper: "What are you eating? Give me some!"
Me: "Oh I don't know, you said you didn't want any...NOM, NOM, NOM, NOM!"
Cooper: "No, I do, please!"
Me: "Ok" :)
Cooper: "Ohhhh...I'm sleepy..."
Game. Set. Match.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Counter surfer

I don't know what's up with Cooper lately but he's been leaping onto the kitchen counters and dragging whatever food item down and ripping apart the plastic and eating until he's full. Normally, he's never done this and the only time he stole food was if I left it on the ground for whatever stupid reason. It's gotten to the point where I have to lock up Cooper in his house when I leave for work or wherever.

Corey think it's because of Cooper's diet and he's hungry all the time so he tries to steal food. Either way, it's annoying and although I have been feeding him a tad more, I don't think it'll make much of a difference. Cooper is now sick and had diarrhea for the last couple days because of all the food he ate.

He ate a lot of carbs; he ate 3 bagels and a couple slices of bread. As he's allergic to wheat and corn, he is now miserable and itchy and it's probably the reason why his bowels are in such havoc.